Sprint playbook

In October 2018, we ran a week-long design sprint to kickstart the Loneliness Lab. 

100 stakeholders came together to shape the Lab agenda with us, and a group of 30 worked intensively over a week to generate and test ideas to tackle loneliness in London.

Our ‘sprinters’ formed mixed teams, clustering around topics of shared interest. In just a few days they had to research their topic, observe the spaces and places they wanted to explore, find and interview users, develop ideas, build initial prototypes, test them in the real world, capture learnings and prepare a vision for taking their idea to scale. 

At the end of the sprint, we published a playbook that included the insights from our kick off, the ideas that were tested in the sprint and our sprint process.

We believe in sharing our resources openly, and we’d love to stay connected and hear how they have been useful to you. If you aren’t already subscribed to the Loneliness Lab, you can do so here. If you have any feedback, please email us at hello@lonelinesslab.org


Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.


Workplace loneliness report


Loneliness map